Wednesday, February 10, 2010

21 Weeks

I've started watching my belly move! Last night I pulled up my shirt while she was kicking and I could swear I saw my belly jiggle along with her kicks in the area she was kicking in. This morning she's totally doing it again! How cool!!

Let's see, not much else has changed this week... we still haven't ordered furniture or come to a decision as far as bedding. I'm starting to lean more towards an antique white, but haven't ruled out espresso. I bet everyone's sick of reading about this so I'll stop.

Oh and say hello to my $7 maternity cords from Old Navy. And I think my shirt was like $4.50. Woot!

1 comment:

  1. That's where I got the few maternity clothes I own, Old Navy. They're super affordable! It sucks that some maternity clothes are so expensive!

    I think that's the part I missed most when my daughter was born, the movement. I'm sad that in about two weeks I won't be feeling my son move anymore either:(
