Monday, February 8, 2010


So for the last week I have been sleeping horribly. Tossing and turning throughout the night, and I keep waking up on my back, which is apparently wrong to sleep on when you're with child. After my friend Kimi said the snoogle was indeed amazing, I caved and bought one. I had balked at the price tag at first, but this was necessity! The first two nights I was at war with the thing (I may have had it upside down?), but last night, it was a godsend. I don't think I moved but twice during the night. Amen.

Today I had my monthly checkup with my OB and everything's still peachy! Her heartbeat was so loud and strong! Dr. said she's a very active little girl :-)

Oh and here are two more crib sets we're now considering. Way to throw a wrench in the system, eh?

The first one is by Westwood Baby, and the next stuff is Bellini. They're a bit too rich for my blood, but I keep thinking about them... Their antique white was so pretty!

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