Wednesday, March 17, 2010

26 Weeks!

How far along?: 26 Weeks
Total weight gain: About 20 lbs. Bad girl.
How big is baby?: She measured 1lb. 13oz. at my appt. last Tuesday so I'm thinking she may just be 2lbs! Yelp.
Maternity clothes?: Indeed.
Stretch marks?: The same couple small ones on my right side. I don't know why I said left side last time. I told a lie.
Sleep?: Decent amounts this week actually!
Best moment this week?:
Movement?: Yes, and though I freaked that I hadn't felt her much last Sunday, she's been kicking away like crazy since, so I'm no longer worried.
Food cravings?: Ummm the new Taco Nachos at Jack in the Box. And brownies. Please refer to the weight gain above.
Gender? Girl
Labor signs?: None.
Belly button in or out?: Pretty much flat now.
What I miss: Not having to make decisions!
What I'm looking forward to: Our furniture is in, so I look forward to it being delivered and finally seeing it in the nursery!
Milestone: I'm now in the 2 digit range. 98 days to go!

It's finally warm here in So Cal, so out come the summer clothes! I'm looking forward to living in dresses soon. Jealous? I have to have some way of justifying the high cost of living here!


  1. Ugh, you are too adorable. I hate you :p

  2. You're just a couple days behind me in your pregnancy, so it's been so much fun reading all about your experience. Just wanted to stop by and let you know!

  3. Aw, yay! Congrats! You do look great by the way...dont beat yourself up over 20 lbs. Your gaining just fine :o)
