Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me! And 25 Weeks!

Yay, it's my birthday! Wheeeee! I had a fantastical day that I'll be sure to blog about later. For now, I'll stick to the 25 week update...

  • I've started feeling a bit uncomfortable, as in really feeling the need to pee more often and getting a sore back after sitting too long. Not terrible, but I've definitely taken notice. 
  • I gained 7 lbs. in the last 4 weeks. Oops! My ob wasn't worried, yet the peri where I got my ultrasound yesterday basically said to only munch on flax seeds and a cucumber. Food nazi. 
  • She had her adorable little legs crossed at the ultrasound, and her hand covered her face the majority of it. Shy gal! She uncrossed just long enough for us to be able to see that she still is a girl. Could you believe I still needed reassurance? 
  • Oh and she's measuring big. I'm measuring big. 27 weeks to be precise. Oh dear...
  • I passed my 1 hour glucose test, so no gestational diabetes for me! 
  • We decided to take childbirth preparation classes, and had our first class last night. Our instructor has had 7 children, and her labors all lasted around 3 hours, with 10 minutes of pushing. Bitch. She actually seems lovely though, and the money spent on the class was well worth it just for the simple reason that it requires Adam to massage me for at least 15 minutes at a time. 
Here are the 25 week shots, including one from my viewpoint. Where did my feet go?!

And the best for last, a couple pics of my little lady:

She either had her hand over her face, or she was turning away, so this was the best face shot we got outta her. Looks like she's giving me a kiss! Oh and note the size of her feet! I think she's gonna take after her daddy...


  1. Happy Birthday!!! You look amazing, hope you have a great day :)

  2. Aww, Happy Birthday! And very cute pictures of your baby bump!

  3. Happy birthday! You look awesome. Yay for a healthy baby. 25 weeks is such a fun time! You are getting close!!

  4. happy birthday! I had an ultrasound yesterday and my little girl was doing the same thing! Hand in her face the whole time... they are so sweet!
