Wednesday, March 31, 2010

28 Weeks

*Sorry, I'm not totally vain, I just had to include two pictures with my attention whore pup. He's been such a little lovebug lately, he craves attention haha.

How far along?: 28 Weeks
Total weight gain: I'm not checking this week :-P
How big is baby?: Just under 15 inches and around 2.22 lbs. Eggplant!
Maternity clothes?: Yes and I need more, but I'm too cheap to buy more. Tops that I wore pre-preg that I thought would totally be long enough for maternity leave me just a wee bit exposed on the bottom.
Stretch marks?: Just the same couple buddies hanging out on my right side. Stay put lil guys!
Sleep?: Up once or twice a night to pee, and I can't sleep unless I'm snoogled. I've grown to actually love that thing!
Best moment this week?: This was last week but I forgot to post about it... During one of our childbirth classes, we were supposed to lay back on our husbands knees with our eyes closed and as I was relaxing, she was kicking and moving around like crazy and hubbs kept cracking up. He always gets excited seeing her move around. She loves to start movin' and shakin' whenever I'm relaxing. :-)
Movement?: Oh yeah, see above.
Food cravings?: I've been on a slurpee bender since our local 7-11 brought in Hawaiian Punch slurpees. Yum!
Gender? Girl
Labor signs?: Not.
Belly button in or out?: Still flat, not popped!
What I miss: Being able to walk for more than 5 minutes at a time without feeling like I have to pee.
What I'm looking forward to: We're doing maternity pics (I got a killer deal on them) in a few weeks, and the photographer just emailed me asking questions about what I want to do.
Milestone: Tomorrow I'll be able to say I'm going to be giving birth in two months! June is getting close!

So hooray hooray, the furniture was delivered on Monday! I was so excited to finally see it in her room (albeit a tiny bit sad since the room felt so big with nothing in it! Is that weird?). Anyhow, the big day came, and Bellini delivered it... and there's a small scratch on the front of the crib. Oh the tragedy! I mean furniture ain't cheap, and I don't think I should have to settle for a crib with a big ol (ok small) scratch in the front! Bellini is now saying it will take 14-16 weeks. Um hello?! Why it only took 5 1/2 weeks to get alllll the furniture, yet it takes 16 freaking weeks for a replacement front of the crib is beyond me. If I must be honest, their furniture is beautiful, yet their customer service blows. They're just terrible at calling us back, always. When I spoke with the owner yesterday, she said she would call me by the end of the day and give me a more accurate estimate as to how long it would take to get the piece (she said she would try to do is as soon as possible). Um yeah, it's tomorrow and I still haven't heard from her. I won't hold my breath.

OK I'm done ranting. The nursery is coming together great, and it's now my favorite room in the house by far. We go and sit in there for a bit every night just soaking it all in. :-)

1 comment:

  1. You're looking so cute! It sucks that your furniture had a scratch! I hate it when something you buy new (that's so important) is damaged and you have to wait...ugh! Hope they fix the problem soon!
