Monday, March 29, 2010

I miss being blonde...

Like really really. Once upon a time I highlighted my hair to a golden shimmer and I miss those days. Well I actually HATE getting my hair done, as it is at least a 3 hour process and I don't like sitting still that long and I always need a day to get used to the new color, but after... man did I love being blonde!

When I was blonde I actually toyed with the idea of going back to my natural hair color all the time, but I just didn't remember what it was. Little did I know it would be forced on me. And then of course when my hair started growing back, mousy brown is better than no hair any day! I've wanted it to grow long and healthy before messing with it. It used to feel dry and brittle from dying and flat ironing and all that. My hair's never felt so soft and healthy as it does now. But it's just not me. I mean, it's the "natural" me, but I feel like I should be blonde. I don't recognize myself STILL in the mirror. I think I may just do it once babygirl gets here. Maybe. Now I'm chicken...

While we're at it, I miss being thin! And tan. ::ponders getting a spray tan:: Oh and look, the first baby I ever held! My friend's daughter, just hours old. Ahhh she was so cute and tiny. Well, she still is, but they grow up so fast...


  1. Do it!!! You look great as a blonde! Ive always wanted to go blonde for a bit but it does NOT look good on me ;P

    so exciting - that'll be YOUR baby in your arms all too soon!

  2. That is a hard decision...when I was younger I used to go back and forth between blonde and brunette all the time. If it makes you feel any better, you look great with both!
