Thursday, May 27, 2010

36 Weeks

How far along?: 36 Weeks (and one day - oops!)
Total weight gain: Around 60507 lbs. Or like 36ish. I think it stops around now though, right? RIGHT?!
How big is baby?: A medium-sized turkey. Haha actually at today's u/s the estimate was 6lbs 14oz! She's now measuring in the 75th percentile, which is a bit of a relief for this mama.
Maternity clothes?: The mat shirts I have are too short so I have to layer with some long camis or wear dresses now. All I wanted to wear Tuesday to work was my Juicy velour sweats, and at the encouragement of my friend ("just call them velvet slacks") I did, and it was excellent.
Stretch marks?: Yeah I actually had a mild breakdown last week a day after my 35 week post. I discovered a mini crop of them on the underside of my belly. I cried. What are ya gonna do? I'd turn into a giant stretch mark for my little princess so it's ok. Stupid $35 belly cream that I had to run out of last week... I swear that's why they showed up!
Sleep?: Depends. I've actually had a couple nights in the last week where I didn't even wake up once to pee! But I did have a major Austin Powers pee in the morning afterwards :-P
Best moment this week?: Surprising hubby with a grill for his birthday. :-) He's been wanting one for so long and he got straight to barbecuing right away.
Movement?: Definitely not as often but when there is, it's intense!
Food cravings?: I've regressed back to sweets this week, so I'm noming on otter pops and leftover birthday cake!
Gender? Girly
Labor signs?: Well, my pelvis aches with the pain of a mother, so I can only imagine she's dropping?
Belly button in or out?: Hubby is pleased to announce it's been popped out for a little while now. 
What I miss: Laying on my stomach, not needing help to get up off the couch, NOT working (from many moons ago).
What I'm looking forward to: I'm going to drive you crazy with this one... naming her!!! HELLLLLLLLLLP!
Milestone: 1 more week until "full term"!

I totally forgot to take a pic last night of the belly so I'll post one later on today (since I know you're all on the edge of your seats! haha).

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