Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Meet Rooster

Yes, that's what his name is! I got a new car last weekend, which was a major check off my to-do list for baby. I absolutely love it! It has the highest safety ratings, yet it's still zippy, AND it has a bluetooth thingy so I can hear people on the car's sound system when they call and I can yell back and have a conversation hands-free! I say yell because I haven't quite figured out where the mic is lol.

Is it odd that I like to name my cars? Not as odd as the size of my ankles! Seriously, they're so huge, I kind of like it in a sick way. It's like living in a fat suit.


  1. Your car looks pretty cool! Btw I name my cars too! lol

    Your blog is great! Now following!
    Mine is www.nycislandgal.com
    Hope you like it and share the love by following me too!! ;)

  2. Congratulations!! Now you are totally baby ready!

  3. So what is the speed at straight up in this car? ;)
