Friday, July 16, 2010

Happy Friday!

I know I sure am!

P.S. Check out my pumas!

Last night hubby and I got a chance to go on a much needed date night. My parents came over to watch G, so we just went out and had dinner at Cheesecake Factory, and went shopping for a gift for a friend's shower. It was so good to get out just us, yet it's hysterical that all we could talk about the whole time was our little Gabriella. She's changing so much already - she's more and more alert and I know she's just taking in everything she sees. She's long reached those little milestones the baby books say they may reach as of 1 month - she can track things with her eyes, she gives us little smiles, and she's great at lifting her neck up during tummy time (as much as she hates it). As hard and tiring as the "newborn" stage is, I want to cherish these moments I have with her being so tiny in my arms. I remember wanting to cherish feeling her little kicks while I was still pregnant with her because I knew I would miss them once she was born, and it's so true. You really should take time to appreciate life in the moment, because it just goes by so fast...


  1. I get tickled just looking at those pictures! SHE IS SOOO PRECIOUS & TINY & ADORABLE!!! AHH!!

    You're right about taking in each moment. I should really take in everytime I feel my baby girl kick, because she will be here soon!

    And good for you & hubby for getting out for a little bit! You guys totally deserve it :)

    Have a great weekend ;)

  2. I get tickled just looking at those pictures! SHE IS SOOO PRECIOUS & TINY & ADORABLE!!! AHH!!

    You're right about taking in each moment. I should really take in everytime I feel my baby girl kick, because she will be here soon!

    And good for you & hubby for getting out for a little bit! You guys totally deserve it :)

    Have a great weekend ;)

  3. Those little socks are so precious! You've got such a cute little girl :)
