Monday, July 12, 2010

3 weeks old!

Ahhh she's growing up before my very eyes! Ugh before I know it she'll be walking, going off to school, jumping on the back of a motorbike with some punk named Devo...

Today we had a little bit of a rough day. She started off by wanting to eat every hour. And if she wasn't eating, she was screaming bloody murder. It's pretty frustrating trying to comfort her when she's completely inconsolable. I just want to help her and yet there's nothing I can do! She was doing so well for the last week too. I really think she hates Mondays. Thankfully my pops came over to help, because I was starting to lose it a little. Maybe it was something I ate and she didn't like it in my breast milk?

Anyhow I'd like to post some more pics of little G because really, I haven't done that nearly enough! She makes the best faces...


  1. Sounds like the 3 week growth spurt to me. When Brianna hit that one, along with the 6 week one, all she wanted to do was eat. And if she wasn't eating, she was crying for more. Just make sure you let her nurse so your supply can increase to her needs.

    Love the cutie pictures, keep them coming!

  2. I love the one where she's laying on your legs and stretching her neck back. Too adorable!

  3. That is one precious baby - can't wait to meet my love bug in Nov :)

  4. I can't believe she's already 3 weeks old! Where does the time go? Seriously!

    Lexi, she is SO adorable!! She's so itty bitty!!! I'm sorry she had a rough day, but i think it's fair to blame it on the fact that she doesn't like Monday's ;)

  5. She is so beautiful! She looks like her mama. ;)

  6. I just want to scoop her up!!
