Sunday, July 11, 2010

You know what I forgot to do?

Link y'all over to the preview of G's newborn pics! Our photographer was absolutely amazing and I'm in LOVE with the pictures - I think I'll just fall over completely when I see all of them.

They were done when Gabriella was 9 days old - it already feels like so long ago, which is so weird! At that point hubby and I were still in the deer in the headlights phase with our baby... we weren't quite sure why she was crying, we didn't really know how to soothe her best, we were a little afraid of her haha. The last week has been so different - she is crying so much less, and really only when she needs something (namely a diaper change, she hates to stew in her own peesh). The last two nights she's slept 6 hours straight, which weirds me out a little bit. I mean, I'm supposed to feed her every 2 1/2- 3 1/2 hours, but the dr. said at night if she's asleep, let her sleep through. I'm really not going to argue with it, because 6 hours in a row of sleep is like a wet dream to the parents of a newborn baby. But I wonder if it's normal/if I'm starving my poor baby. I guess she'd let me know, right?

Oooh and another fun milestone to share - G pooped on our couch. Apparently mama thought she was hot shit and could change a diaper without putting anything on underneath. Ooopsie. Well, I wanted a new couch anyway...


  1. The pictures are GORGEOUS!

    Made my ute ache!

  2. I'm in love with your makes me excited to meet my little girl :)

  3. OH. MY. GOD.

    I am just in love with these pictures!!

  4. Oh Lexi, she is so gorgeous :) Congrats!!

  5. Beautiful!!! MUST HAVE PICS NOW!

  6. Those pictures are incredible!!!

  7. Oh my gosh, the pictures turned out amazing, I love them!! She is so gorgeous!

  8. I showed these pictures to my mom and I think she just about died :)
