Monday, August 16, 2010

Gabriella and the Beach

On Sunday we took Gabriella to the beach for her first time! I figured at a day shy of 8 weeks, it was time for this So Cal baby to get in touch with the beach lifestyle. She slept like, well, a baby the whole way there, and actually loved it at the beach. The ride home was a different story - we had to make a few stops due to her crying/screaming. Ultimately I had to sit in back with her and hold her hand, and that made her happy enough to nap for the rest of the ride back :-)

Rockin mama's shades...

I had to put this bathing suit on her before she outgrows it! I'm a little too scared to take her in our pool... maybe it's time for that too??

Toes in the sand <3


  1. I just remembered you had a blog! She is so adorable...You guys look so happy... it's wonderful isn't it? I miss the beach too!

  2. OMG. So adorable! I love the swimsuit she is wearing :) So sweet.

  3. So cute! I must know what kind of camera/lens you use, your pictures always come out so crisp!

  4. Niki - we have a Nikon D60 and lately I've been mostly using a 35mm prime Nikkor lens. I'd love to actually learn how to use it for real though haha!

  5. She is too cute! Congrats!! Looks like she had fun at the beach:)
