Monday, August 9, 2010

I could cry...

because Gabriella has been sleeping for the last 5 hours beautifully and I have INSOMNIA! Ugh what a waste! But instead I will regale you with these photos of her LOVING her bath time, taken last week.

I think I look forward to her bath time just as much as she enjoys it, because I know she loves it so much. Seriously, last week I got pooped on during a massive blowout and I didn't mind one bit because I got to put her in the tub and I just love it when she's so happy.

P.S. I know, I know, the new header is too much. I got to playing around with making one and now I'm too tired to fine tune things. I need about 19 more hours in the day...


  1. I love your new header! I can't wait to experience your joys :) 14 more weeks for me!

  2. I love your new header! I can't wait to experience your joys :) 14 more weeks for me!

  3. I love your new header! I can't wait to experience your joys :) 14 more weeks for me!
