Sunday, September 5, 2010

Halloween Already

I know September's just barely started, but I found myself thinking about Halloween a little early this year - I didn't want to put off finding G's costume til the last minute. I went back and forth between a bunch of ideas, and ultimately I didn't want to spend a bunch of money on a costume she'll just wear once. SO I decided that she's going to be a little bee this year! Most of her costume will be made and some of it will get more use again after. It all started with these adorable baby booties I saw on etsy...
I'm sort of obsessed with baby shoes. And they're not so cheap - some are around the $33 range! I have two hands and own needle and thread so I figured I could make them myself! I got her basic bootie pattern and already made a trial pair to see if I could do it. I sew by hand because I'm afraid of my sewing machine (I should really look into that) so it took me a few hours, but it was fun and they only cost like a couple bucks' worth of materials to make. Here's my final product.

OK so they lack a little polish, which is probably why I should go ahead and use my sewing machine (alright, ya got me, I don't know how to operate it... Help!). But I really like them anyway. And check out my snazzy presentation on my candle holder!

Anyhow back to Halloween! My aunt is a knitter and she's going to make G a cute little bee hat, and I figure I'll put her in a little yellow onesie and black striped leggings or babylegs. Those she can wear again so I'm totally being frugal. I can't wait to see how cute my little Gigibee is going to look!

Her eye infection is getting better, but not before it spread to her other eye. My poor baby had puffy runny eyes for a few days, but thankfully we think the antibiotics are doing the trick (if not the breastmilk!).


  1. Hi! I have been following your blog for sometime now and instead of being a creepy stalker, I thought I would say hello and share my blog with you! I am currently 4 days overdue with my first baby girl and I am looking to connect with some mamas! I look forward to reading more on your lovely blog!

  2. Those shoes you made are precious? How in the world did you make them? Did you follow a pattern? I am currently borrowing a friends sewing machine and have been seriously discouraged by it - after my material was too thick and was causing the thread to ball up and jam on the back side of the material :(

  3. Hi Heather! I used a pattern I got online. I've had that problem with my sewing machine too, back when I first got it as a gift a few years ago. I don't get it - back in jr high home ec I was a pro with it, and now I'm totally lost!
