Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hi Friends!

Gigi is feeling much better thanks to the erythromycin ointment - it was hard putting it in her eyes 3x a day for a week, she would cry and get so fussy once she realized it was on (I always tried to do it in her sleep but it would wake her up). She would even try to wipe it off with her hands! I didn't think she had such coordination in her, but I guess when you're uncomfortable, you can do many things :-)

Check out the awesome baby legwarmers she's sporting! Can you believe my girl over at made them?! I think I'm going to have another DIY fest soon! Check out her blog to see how she makes them (and spread some blog love)!

Let's see, in other news... I'm back at work now. Maternity leave officially ended and I went back yesterday. It's only part-time, and my schedule is a bit different - I've been working from 5-9 a.m.! I know, it sounds nuts, but I'm able to get my work done and it's quite peaceful at the office with no one around. Bonus is there's no traffic! I'm used to being up at crazy hours now anyway. DH watches Gabby when she gets up and then my dad comes and watches her for the hour or so after hubby leaves for work and I get home. I take a late morning nap when she does to catch up on my sleep.

My heart just ached at the thought of leaving her, but this way she's asleep the majority of the time that I'm gone anyway, and it feels good to be able to bring home some money. I'm sad that I'm not there to see her wake up first thing in the morning though - that's my favorite time with her. She's so cute and sweet when she first gets up all groggy in the a.m. And when she spots me and gives me her huge gummy grin... I just melt! *sigh* I guess that's the trade off for working. But I'm happy that I get to sort of be a hybrid of a working and stay at home mama!

So I keep getting these coupons for the Sears Portrait Studio. Free sitting and this whole photo package of a 10x13, 8x10, 5x7s and all sorts of other stuff. I'm thinking of giving it a shot for G's 3 month pictures. What have we got to lose? It's free! My expectations aren't too high, and I'll make it easy and simple: naked baby with a huge flower headband on a clean white background. Now all that's left is picking the headband... and this is where my ridiculously indecisive self starts driving me and everyone around me crazy. I'm in love with so many of them, and I really shouldn't spend my entire first week's paycheck on buying everything I want, so I need to decide. Maybe y'all can help? :-)

The first six are from the etsy seller "Banner Boutique" and the last one is from Dolce Vita Mia. OK I already bought the last one about a week ago (along with this:
) but shhhh, don't tell anyone. Looking at all the pictures of teeny newborns already makes me miss when G was first born. She's growing so fast!


  1. I'm no help, but I like 1,3,5 and 6! To me I feel like the bigger the better!! Good luck!
