Saturday, December 11, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Here are our Christmas cards that I've been dying to share with y'all...
 The quality may be a bit off, since I had to scan them (I have no clue how to embed the image from Shutterfly - they never gave lil ole me the option).
Since I missed the boat on sending out Hanukkah cards, I decided to get some Happy New Year cards to send to our non-Christmas celebrating loved ones.
Please excuse the ugly grey markings on the cards, it was the only way I could prevent getting killed.

OK OK you twisted my arm, I'll share our holiday photos with you!


  1. Love the cards, and those are gorgeous photos! I absolutely adore the second one of you two kissing your daughter :)

  2. SO CUTE! I love your headband!

  3. They turned out so cute! I've been meaning to ask you where you get all the cute baby headbands? Gigi always has such cute ones on and I've been meaning to get some for my little girl who is almost the exact same age as Gigi.

  4. Thank you! I actually make a lot of her headbands, this one included. I was thinking about selling on Etsy but it's so oversaturated with bow-sellers!

  5. They are so adorable! I love doing crafty things too but haven't in awhile and would like to get back into it. You should totally do a tutorial on how you make them!

  6. Yes, a tutorial and/or sell them :) I've been surprised to find that my LO isn't bothered by headbands, and I love the ones your daughter wears!
