Friday, December 10, 2010

A mishmosh of pictures that I missed posting...

Because I'm in a mishmoshy mood :-)

Here we are in our Arizona Cardinals gear. Apparently we're very big fans... I find her GLUED to the TV when football is on, it's too funny.
What happens when our team loses (which is uhh often this year)?!?!

We went to a tree lighting ceremony a couple weekends ago...
 And at the park a couple weeks ago...
Phew! I'm working on trying to get my holiday cards uploaded so I can show them off. Yep cardS. I couldn't decide so I went with 3 different designs. Why am I so indecisive? Story of my life! Anyway, happy Friday everyone!


  1. I just started reading your blog and I have to tell you, your daughter is SO CUTE!! And she's always freaking smiling, I'm jealous, I have a toddler that will never smile for the camera!
