Friday, July 8, 2011

Fun on the Farm

I know I'm getting pretty corny with my post titles!

I wanted to share these pictures I took of G yesterday at the little farm near us. You can go and pick your own fruits and vegetables! We let G have at it in the field, and before we knew it she had plopped herself down in front of the strawberries and started munching away. She got strawberry all over her, but it was so cute, we couldn't help but not mind the mess. And thankfully, with some magical Oxy Clean, the stains came right out! We had so much fun - we're totally going back for more. Maybe next time we'll come in our schlubby clothes (uhhh does she even own schlubby clothes??).

The only picture of the 3 of us we got...
Gladys the Bull.
Note the anticipatory drool...
Aaaand after a little cleanup...


  1. So cute! Did she get any bad diaper rash from the strawberries? That's like the only thing that gives my little girl painful diaper rash which is sad because she loves strawberries.
