Thursday, July 7, 2011

Just Beachy

The day before 4th of July (errr that would just be July 3rd) we took Gabriella to the beach. We hadn't been since last year (and that was just a nightmare - seriously, who brings an 8 week-old to the beach!?) so we weren't sure how she would feel about it, but she LOVED it. We figured she'd freak out when her little toes hit the cold water but she kept wanting more! I think we have a little fish on our hands.

What's so funny?!
 Oh! I guess I was pretty funny. I'll do anything to get a laugh out of these two...

 Yummy goldfish!

 Err - what'cha lookin' for in there, G?

 I have a feeling we're in for a lot of time at the beach this summer!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, can she get any cuter?? Beautiful pictures as always!
