Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is this thing on?

Well it has recently been called to my attention that I have neglected my blog. Sometimes you just need a little hiatus, so I took one... err I should say we took one. We ventured out to the beach last week for a little more fun in the sun. Actually it should be quite shameful on my part for not posting more, because our weekends have been JAM packed since July, and we're booked right through the end of August! We even had a little weekend getaway at the Hyatt Huntington Beach a few weekends ago, and I hardly took any pictures there. I guess it's not a real getaway if I'm always behind a lens - even though I love my hobby, I need to remember to live in the moment sometimes too! Maybe I'll rustle up some iphone pictures of me riding a bike for the first time - I'm sure that'll tickle someone. In the meantime here's us at the beach - and by us I mean Geebs and hubbs. Why am I never in pictures? Oh yeah...
She caught wind of this little boy and it was love at first sight. So she chased him.
These photos are so insanely vibrant and they're pretty much SOOC (straight out of camera).
Ick, why doesn't the seaweed stuff gross her out?! I guess babies don't gross out lol.
Back to the little boy...
Love at first sight I tell ya. I think I need to teach her about playing hard to get.


  1. I've missed your posts! I have to say you certainly made up for it with the absolute cutest photos. Gabriella is so stinking adorable in that swim suit/cap!

  2. These photos are amazing, Lexi! I love them!
