Thursday, August 11, 2011

Like Riding a Bicycle

I mentioned in my last post that we took a little getaway to Huntington Beach. We really just went for one night since my mom's work had her at a conference down there. We brought Gabby and decided to take full advantage of the free room and pool :-)

Naturally I brought my camera with us, but I just didn't feel like taking pictures*. I wanted to run around like a kid, so we did. We played poolside, and ran around the resort after G. On a whim we decided to rent bicycles, one with a little tow-thingy for babies. I... uhhh... have never ridden a bike without training wheels before. I know, right!? What kind of childhood did I have? A great one! I stayed indoors and read books. So Adam was a little nervous about me getting on a bike and riding around the boardwalk. Probably not nervous that I'd go flying over the handlebars; more like "This is going to be a royal waste of money because you can't ride a bike".

Whatever hubs. I can ride a bike. It's like riding a bicycle.


And in action:
See!? I was a total pro. Now I *totally* need a bike.

Here's my girl getting ready to go for a ride:
Note how totally safe I was by wearing a helmet, and how Adam thinks it's totally cool to live on the edge and not. Not cool, man!

And one more pic of Geebs prancing around the resort:

*iPhone pictures don't count. So I really was taking a break from the camera. Technically. :-)

1 comment:

  1. So cute!! You were missed but it looks like the time you spent away from your blog was well worth it :)

    By the way... I am having a little giveaway on my blog for a headband... you should check it out and try to win it for G!
