Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Day as a Wedding Photographer

My cousin married his lovely girlfriend last Saturday in a ceremony planned in less than 10 days! :-o
They didn't really have a massive budget for a photographer or anything... so... I was it! (err her?). I happily took pictures of their ceremony and after that we went to a park and did some more portraits. On the way over to the reception (which was at my parents' house) we stopped by a beautiful tree-lined street and seized the opportunity for some pictures there as well.

What I can say about wedding photographers... hats off to them, man. Everything goes by so fast, so you really have to be ON your game to capture all the important moments (rings being exchanged, the kiss (especially if it's just a quick peck like they did!), quick little inside smiles to one another...). I was really thrilled that they entrusted me to capture their day, and I'm happy how the pictures are coming along (uhhh I took about 1000 shots, I think I have quite a bit of editing to do!). I gave them a little sneak peek the other day and I wanted to post them here too:

I'm really loving photography. If I must be totally candid with y'all, I maybe (not-so) secretly want to do this professionally, as a career. I'm always full of self-doubt and know that I still have a lot of improving and honing of my skills before that day could possibly come, but it's my little secret wish that I thought I'd let out. Maybe one day...


  1. Great pictures!! I am all for diving in head first and starting your own business if it's something that you love! I recently launched little joys. photography (you can find it on facebook!) and it's HARDER than I ever imagined.. but like you.. i just feel whole when toting my camera around capturing those moments! I will totally encourage you!! :)

  2. Umm girlfriend? I hate to break it to you but these ARE professional! They are so beautiful! You must start a business right away and if I lived closer... you'd be my go to gal! :)

  3. You are so talented! Go for it! I LOVE the second to last about capturing a perfect moment!

  4. De-lurking to tell you, your photos are gorgeous! I am working on starting my own photography business as well :) Keep up the beautiful work!

  5. I always think your pictures are amazing, seriously. I am majorly jealous of your skill. I even have a fancy shmancy camera, my pictures are good, but honestly, nowhere near yours. Any tips? What kind of editing software do you use?

  6. Hello! I have been coming back to your blog since I first happened upon it about a month before your adorable daughter was born! We had the same due date and my son was born the day after your girl :) Had to de-lurk to tell you to GO FOR IT! I have just launched my own photography business and it's been so fun to meet new people and grow as a photographer. These wedding photos are simply beautiful-and I especially love the ones you did of your daughter at the beach in that darling red bathing suit.

    The most important thing for me in taking the leap was an awesome support system of other aspiring and professional photogs who critique my work and inspire me to keep learning and growing. I encourage you to find some in your area as well and I will support you too :)

    It's amazing how much in common you can have with someone all the way across the country (I'm in Florida) :)

    Feel free to find me on facebook-kindled photography. I just launched my blogsite today Scary but exciting! Looking forward to seeing more of your photos!
