Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Thinking ahead (per usual)...

The day after labor day signifies a year since I've returned to work from maternity leave. It also means it's time to decide on a Halloween costume! Because I am a total Type-A when it comes to my daughter, I have to figure these things out way in advance. Last year I just knew she had to be a duck. We called her duckie the whole time I was pregnant and there's something so adorable about a little baby in a fluffy costume. I'd like to keep her in a fluffy costume this year too, because before I know it, she'll be wanting to be a princess/batgirl/beer wench. I'd better hold onto her babyness this year too and go fluffy :-)

So here are the contenders so far:
Little Lamb
This is probably my front-runner. Cute, cuddly, and cute. And it's a very similar setup to the costume she wore last year. I'm making us all dress up this year, so we'd need to figure out what to be to match her. I'm thinking farm animals? I could be Mary but I'm not sure what that would entail. I'd be a much better pig/cat/cow.

I know this one's not all cuddly, and it's all black which I'm not usually a fan of, but the expression on this kid's face was just too cute to not post.

Puffy Owl
How cute is this?! I have a feeling the wings would bug her though. And she'd probably pull the cape off altogether.

Watermelon or Strawberry
I love these but think she would yank the little hat off in no time. But a whole family dressed like fruits is appealing. Ahhh this is just making me more and more indecisive as I go along...

I mean, why not continue in the duck vain by going poultry all the way? It's probably a boy's costume but I think it's so funnycute.

Horse Rider
OK this one's not really a contender, but it cracked me up. I'm still laughing. It's kind of amazing.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the watermelon. I saw that at Children's Place and wished I had a little girl to dress up:)

    My nephew was the bat last year so if you want to save the $ you can probably just borrow it :)
