Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ta da!: The Nursery

OK so it's still missing a key element or two (I am in love with these certain wall letters but duh can't order them yet without having her name set). And I sort of suck at photography, but this should do! I wanted a beachy shabby chic vibe. I love being in her room and imagining playing with her or rocking her to sleep. I just really love it. :-)

A really sweet friend made her a little tutu and put it on the mouse (above the bookcase). I really need more books to fill up the shelves, but for now, they'll collect little tchotchkes :-)

It took me the longest time to find something to put over her dresser. I really wanted this great painting but it was over $200, and these little wall flowers were $20 so...

I loved this little picket fence box and decided to use it as her diaper caddy. The wooden star was also part of the loot I got from JoAnn's months ago that set us off on the beachy theme.

A view inside one of her dresser drawers...

The glider corner... we found this glider at a steal from Costco! It's so ridiculously comfy and I can't wait to just lay back in it and hold her.

On the left is a really cute Noah's ark piggy bank from MIL, center is the picture frame I hand-painted for her at Color Me Mine, and on the right is a little musical thing that goes on the wall that I had when I was a baby. I love that bunny. And yep, the paci says "Whine Connoisseur."

Please note the "This Little Piggy Went to Prada" book. LOVE. And the 50 States book is totally more for me than her. I'm a nerd and like learning about the states and stuff. Did you know our state flower is the poppy?!

The view from the little hallway to her bathroom. I'm really debating getting blackout liners for the curtains, but our childbirth instructor said it's better to have baby nap during the day with lights on so she learns the difference between day and night (thus hopefully leading to a baby who sleeps through the night??). I think the room could use a little something on the wall to the left of the window. I'd like to hang an itty bitty white frilly dress...

Here's the pillow I made her (all sewn by hand because I'm too much of a dummy to figure out how to use the sewing machine DH's grandma gave me!)

A partial view of her closet... I think she needs more clothes :-P

So folks, there ya have it! Hope you enjoyed the mini-tour of her space. I can't wait to put her in it!


Marielle0430 said...

Wow, it looks amazing! You did a great job!

Lauren said...

UNBELIEVABLE. My jaw is literally on the floor.

This nursery is so elegant/precious/gorgeous & girly all at the same time. You did an AMAZING job tying everything together so well. I just LOVE it.

p.s. where did you get the little lamp that is next to her glider? i NEED that ;)

jen said...

L.O.V.E. it. So pretty and feminine and relaxing...perfect :) that a Juicy onesie that I spy in her drawer??? Adorable.

Kelli said...

I saw the link to your nursery on Bump and have really enjoyed looking at your progress so far! I don't even know you and am excited for you! :)

Sarah Swift said...

LOVE it!!

Anonymous said...

Wow!! You have talent!!

Exgf said...

That is amazing!!!!! I love it!

Amanda said...

Hey Im a new follower! I found your blog somehow.. I started on thebump's baby name boards, and I think ended up here. =] I clicked on a bunch of things so I forget.

Anyways, LOVE the nursery! It's absolutely beautifuL!

Unknown said...

The pillow turned out great, Lex! :)

P.S. I could sit in that glider all day. It was so comfy!

shay said...

Love every bit of it!! Great job momma!!